Weekly Predictions as per Lagna (Asdt)Jan,31 -6th Feb,2011
ARIES (Mesha)Some concern about source of income persist.Some of you may get promotion. Things are looking better on professional front.Exercise patience and avoid conflicts.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs.
Taurus(Vrisbh) Professional metters start looking up. Some expenses, obstructions and stress are seen.Take care of your health.Exercise patience and avoid conflicts.
Morning prayers, patience and propitiatory remedies of Rahu/Ketu , Mars Jup are likely to be helpful.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Gemini(Mithun) Some additional income is seen. Health needs due care.Bachelors may get good marital proposals.Handle stress with patience.
Some good developement on property matters are seen.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Cancer(Karka)Sudden conflicts & aggressive attitude are likely to disturb your peace of mind .New opportunities should be used only after considering all the pros and cons,Take care.Avoid journeys, driving and unnecessary travel.
Take care of your health.
Propitiatory astral remedies for Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu &Saturn are likely to help.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Leo(Simha) Avoide dispute. Some good developments are seen on professional front.Take care of yourself.
Avoide aggressive behaviour .
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Virgo(Kanya) Good developments are likely on professional front. Exercise patience. The health of parents mayneed help.
some of you may plan acquisition of new assets.
Continue propitiaty remedies for malefic planets.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Libra(Tula)Enjoy Good health Some extra expenses are seen. Child needs care and support.Some of you may get promotion.
Exercise patience & aggressive attitute.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
(Scorpio) Vrischik: Some additional income is likely. Things are improving on professional front. Arguments/conflicts will disturb your mental peace. Handle delays/difference of openion with patience.Haste can cause you injury.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Sagittarious(Dhanu) The Professional matters are lookingupGood developments are likely on status and wealth fronts. Opportunity is also seen for your personal development through acquiring new skills. Some new opportunity is likely in marketing / trading or in foreign lands. Take care of your health.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Capricorn(Makar)Stress level increaseupto some extant .Keep pending new business/property initiatives.Obstructions can result in financial loses.Take care.
Propitiate your malefic planets Jup,Sun Rahu/Ketu.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Aquarious(Kumbha) Things starts looking up.Fortune helps a lot.The health needs care. Payments may be delayed. Handle obstructions with care. Avoid unnecessary travel & spaculation..
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
Pisces(Meen) Some of you may get promotion.are Take care of your health. Avoid haste, conflicts and unnecessary driving.Take care of your health .Some easy gains are seen. Manage relationship with care.
The period up to February, 2011, is difficult for those who have ascending degree around 8 or those who have some planet(s) at or around 8 degrees in odd signs
For Consultation,cont:
Indian Vedic Astrologer & Astgrology Teacher
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